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Peer-To-Peer Learning Opportunities

COSSUP Peer Recovery Support Services Mentoring Initiative

The purpose of the Peer Recovery Support Services Mentoring Initiative (PRSSMI) is to advance the inclusion of peer recovery support services in jurisdictions’ portfolios of substance use disorder intervention and treatment strategies. PRSSMI participants are matched to an experienced “mentor site” program that provides consultation and support through virtual learning sessions and an on-site visit. Mentor sites are experienced collaborators with first responders, law enforcement, courts, jails, prisons, and community corrections to help people suffering from substance use disorder to achieve and maintain recovery from addiction.


COSSUP First Responder Deflection Mentoring Initiative

The purpose of the COSSUP First Responder Deflection Mentoring Initiative is to enhance the adoption and growth of first responder deflection and pre-arrest diversion. The initiative will provide communities interested in starting or enhancing a deflection program with the opportunity to learn from established or innovative programs that have shown success in supporting individuals with substance use disorder in their communities. The mentor sites will serve as models for individuals and teams interested in starting a program or for established programs interested in learning innovative practices.

To apply to be a mentor, submit all application components via the online application here:

If needed, a Word copy of the application questions can be accessed at


Overdose Fatality Review Peer Mentor Site Opportunities

The purpose of the Overdose Fatality Review (OFR) Peer Mentor Program is to elevate, communicate, and leverage OFR promising practices while building bridges between nascent teams and those with demonstrated success. The OFR Peer Mentor Program provides a unique opportunity to learn the application and practice of OFR from experienced peers.


COSSUP Jail-based Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT) Mentor Site Initiative

The Jail-based MAT Mentor Site Initiative offers jails a unique opportunity to observe and learn from innovative and experienced programs that have demonstrated success in meeting the treatment needs of individuals with substance use disorders. Multiple programs, representing diverse settings across the nation, were selected to serve as mentor sites.


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