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January 26, 2022

FY 2021 Site-Based Awards: New Grantee Orientation Webinar

This webinar explores fundamental components of your COSSAP award and grant activities, introduces you to BJA representatives and your COSSAP TTA partners, and includes the question-and-answer session that was held with participants and federal leaders during the live event.

As you kick off your project, grant management questions—including critical start-up issues such as budget clearance, meeting special conditions, and Grant Adjustment Modifications (GAMs)—should be directed to your BJA grant manager; that person’s name and associated contact details are contained in your award documentation.  The following are some immediate guidance and tips that the BJA Programs Office has shared:

    • Both the grant award administrator and the financial manager for your award must successfully complete an “Office of Justice Programs (OJP) financial management and grant administration training” by 120 days after the date of the acceptance of the award or have successfully completed such a training on or after January 1, 2019.  A list of OJP trainings that OJP will consider “OJP financial management and grant administration training” for purposes of this condition is available at
    • Although the project start date on the award is October 1, 2021, please be aware that the proposed budget for this project may not yet be approved.  No obligations may be incurred, or any other funds expended or drawn down, until BJA and the Office of the Chief Financial Officer have reviewed and approved the budget and budget narrative and an Award Condition Modification (ACM) has been completed by BJA to remove the hold on award funds.  Your grant manager will reach out regarding your budget to request any additional detail or clarification required for final approval.

Furthermore, an award may have additional conditions requiring action prior to obligating funds; please carefully review any special conditions in the award document and submit any needed items to your grant manager.  If you have questions regarding these conditions, please reach out to BJA. 

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