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Champion of Recovery: Sandra Williams

Sandra Williams is the Clinical Compliance Officer for the Douglas County Community Services Board (DCCSB) in Douglasville, Georgia, a provider of support for individuals with mental health challenges, substance use disorders, and intellectual disabilities and/or developmental disabilities. The Douglas County COSSAP Postbooking Pilot program is being implemented by DCCSB and the recovery community organization within the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office's Jail Division to identify and refer individuals needing substance misuse treatment. DCCSB will provide treatment, including medication-assisted treatment, referring out individuals who need more intensive treatment. Participating individuals will be connected to the Never Alone Clubhouse, a safe space where members of the recovery community can form positive connections. The pilot also seeks to separate substance misuse treatment from the judicial system to increase the number of individuals seeking treatment and improve engagement. “Our co-responder program has had our biggest impact,” Sandra says. “The program has partnered with our fire/EMT department, our E-911 department, as well as the Never Alone Clubhouse. These peers and professionals go out into the field and assist with mental health issues, substance use issues, even overdoses. The best part about it: these are the peers who have lived experience, they’re able to relate when they’re out in the field, and a lot of times it de-escalates the situation. But they’re still there for the follow-up.”

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